Rest in Peace Gareth
Sleep tight Dad, love you always.
Sleep tight Gareth love Daddy xx
Goodnight Gareth, sleep tight
Nos da Gareth. Andrea & Paul
Sleep tight Uncle Gar. Lots of love
Nos Da Gareth. No more pain my lovely, kick that bike up and ride hard. Back with mam and Avril God bless, much love Auntie Jane, Uncle Pete, Nick, Syd, Tom and Laura xx
Good night, God Bless sleep tight with mam and Avril Love Uncle Bernard X
So very sad and such a great loss to your family and all who knew you. I will always remember that lovely smile.
Goodnight uncle ginger ride your bike forever thank you for the most amazing memories and trips 💚
To Ashton thinking of you and Libby- love from your bestie Sam. X
In loving memory